Print On Demand Limits You. We Don’t.

Print On Demand Limits You. We Don’t.

Print On Demand Limits You. We Don’t.

Print On Demand Limits You. We Don’t.

Creators can design and sell custom garments with higher margins, exceptional quality and endless possibilities.

Creators can design and sell custom garments with higher margins, exceptional quality and endless possibilities.

Creators can design and sell custom garments with higher margins, exceptional quality and endless possibilities.

Creators can design and sell custom garments with higher margins, exceptional quality and endless possibilities.

400+ creators already joined

built by fashion people

built by fashion people

What happened to merch &
print on demand?

You used to have unique items crafted with care, tailored to your preferences. Whether it was a book, a piece of clothing, or a mug, it felt special. And it was.

Today, many products are churned out through print on demand services. Not unique, but mass-produced. Ordering from these platforms feels like choosing from a cookie-cutter catalogue. And the quality? Well, let’s just say it often leaves much to be desired.

For years, print on demand promised convenience and affordability. With a few clicks, you could get a product delivered to your doorstep. But as more and more people jumped on the bandwagon, the market became saturated with cheap knockoffs and subpar goods.

Take a look at your Merch purchases last year. Do they still hold up? Or are they gathering dust in a corner somewhere?

Print on demand will always have its place for certain items, but its shortcomings are becoming increasingly evident. The lack of customization options beyond basic templates means you end up with products that look like everyone else’s. And don’t get me started on the quality control issues.

Once upon a time, craftsmanship and individuality mattered. You could trust that what you bought was made with care and attention to detail. We believe it’s time to bring that ethos back.

Introducing Cheyyn, a new approach to custom clothing and print on demand.

• Design in 3D in your browser, not 2D or cheap mockups.

• Directly manufacture your designs with a few handpicked suppliers not hundreds.

• Simple and straightforward, not bloated or complex.

No more settling for mass-produced mediocrity. With Cheyyn, you’ll get items made just for you. We only focus on one category and doing this remarkably great - GARMENTS!

In the early days of e-commerce, print on demand seemed like the future. But now, it’s time to reclaim what’s been lost. The era of mass-produced monotony is coming to an end.

Stay tuned for more from Cheyyn.

Ali Azimi


Proudly Bootstrapped

We might be small, but we're not limited by size. We're quick, we listen and treat you like human not a number. That means you can actually talk to the Founders… ( Let’s talk? )

We work remotely from around the world. All of us are fathers and husbands. That means we deal pretty well with stress, responsibility and constant anxiety.

Got questions, want a personal intro or talk strategies? Speak to our Co-founder, Ali.
He is also into Jazz, design and parenting. If that's more interesting to you.

Babak, David & Ali

We might be small, but we're not limited by size. We're quick, we listen and treat you like human not a number. That means you can actually talk to the Founders… ( Let’s talk? )

We work remotely from around the world. All of us are fathers and husbands. That means we deal pretty well with stress, responsibility and constant anxiety.

Got questions or want a personal intro? Speak to our Co-founder, Ali.
He is also into Jazz, design and parenting. If that's more interesting to you.

Ali, Babak and David

We might be small, but we're not limited by size. We're quick, we listen and treat you like human not a number. That means you can actually talk to the Founders… ( Let’s talk? )

We work remotely from around the world. All of us are fathers and husbands. That means we deal pretty well with stress, responsibility and constant anxiety.

Got questions, want a personal intro or talk strategies? Speak to our Co-founder, Ali.
He is also into Jazz, design and parenting. If that's more interesting to you.

Babak, David & Ali

We might be small, but we're not limited by size. We're quick, we listen and treat you like human not a number. That means you can actually talk to the Founders… ( Let’s talk? )

We work remotely from around the world. All of us are fathers and husbands. That means we deal pretty well with stress, responsibility and constant anxiety.

Got questions, want a personal intro or talk strategies? Speak to our Co-founder, Ali.
He is also into Jazz, design and parenting. If that's more interesting to you.

Babak, David & Ali

Read our story

See if cheyyn is right for you. (It totally is.)

See if cheyyn is right for you. (It totally is.)

Using Cheyn transformed the way I visualize fashion. In a matter of minutes, I was able to design, tweak, and bring my streetwear ideas to life in stunning 3D detail. It's not just a tool; it's a game-changer for every aspiring fashion entrepreneur out there.

Serge Nikolai


See if cheyyn is right for you. (It totally is.)

Using Cheyn transformed the way I visualize fashion. In a matter of minutes, I was able to design, tweak, and bring my streetwear ideas to life in stunning 3D detail. It's not just a tool; it's a game-changer for every aspiring fashion entrepreneur out there.

Serge Nikolai
